
Born of nature


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The Woman of the Tree was as graceful and gentle as the swaying branches of the trees, and she had the power to heal the wounded and calm the troubled.

And so the legend of the Forest Woman lives on, inspiring all who hear it to cherish and protect nature, and to remember the importance of living in harmony with the world around us.

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The legend

Long ago, there was a legend that whispered through the lands about a mysterious woman who lived in the heart of a forest. She was said to possess a love and connection with nature that was unrivaled.

This woman spent her days amongst the trees and flowers, singing to the animals and playing with the streams. She was known to be a guardian of the forest, who protected its creatures and nurtured its growth.

But one fateful day, a great fire swept through the forest, leaving destruction in its wake. The woman, who had tried to quell the flames, disappeared and was never seen again.

But from the charred remains of a tree, the woman was born anew. Her body formed from the trunk of the tree and her arms from its branches. With her newfound strength, she set out to restore the forest to its former glory.

The villagers who lived near the forest whispered that the woman was a spirit of nature, brought back to life to heal the land. They claimed that every time the wind blew, they could hear her gentle laughter and feel her warm embrace.

And so the ancient legend of the Forest Woman lives on, inspiring all who hear it to cherish and protect nature, and to remember the importance of living in harmony with the world around us.

Weight 0,5 kg
Dimensions 45 × 30 × 45 cm


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