Sobre Nosotros
Our purpose: Empowering women
We’re excited to share that our book, Chief Witch Officer, has been successfully launched on February 22nd! Our mission with this book is to empower women leadership and provide them with practical guidance to help them succeed.
Since the launch, we’ve received an overwhelmingly positive response from readers who have found the book to be a valuable resource in their professional lives. We’ve also received numerous fantastic ideas on how we can further support women in leadership, which has inspired us to create a unique platform specifically for Chief Witch Officers.
Our platform preserves the timeless wisdom of witches, while adapting to meet the needs of modern-day female leaders. We believe that empowering women in leadership is essential for a better world, and we’re proud to be part of this movement. Join us on this exciting journey to help women unleash their full potential!
Soledad Tamariz
Soy Soledad Tamarizuna emprendedora española, Ingeniero de telecomunicaciones (MSC) que vive entre Madrid y Londres.
Tras muchos años en los que el arte y manualidades han formado parte de mi escaso tiempo libre, he alcanzado mi autentica expresión creativa a través de la cerámica, donde he encontrado mi pasión.
Esto me ha llevado a crear el Estudio Chief Witch Officer con el propósito de crear arte por y para la mujer.
Estudio Chief Witch Officer
Modelar barro proporciona una plataforma sostenible para apoyar el liderazgo femenino y mostrar al mundo la importancia de empoderar a todas las mujeres.
Los beneficios de Chief Witch Officer se comparten con mujeres emprendedoras y en dificultades financieras a través de la plataforma de préstamos sociales KIVA .